Season 4, Guest Episode
This guest episode from Primary Source, a limited series podcast from the Taube Center for Jewish Studies at Stanford University, explores the notorious and fraudulent antisemitic text most commonly known as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, taking a look at its history and its impact on world politics. This episode from our colleagues is a meaningful companion to our popular Season 1 episode, "The Protocols, Henry Ford, and The International Jew," co-produced with the Association for Jewish Studies, which investigated, in part, the ways in which The Protocols were distributed in the United States and beyond.
Read the transcript for "Primary Source: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
For the Taube Center for Jewish Studies' Primary Source Podcast
Hosted by Josh Tapper
Produced by Lily Sloane, with help from Ari Kelman, Shaina Hammerman, Shoshanna Olidort, Dan Shevchuk, and Katherine Kawalerczak
Music, sound design, and voiceover work by Lily Sloane
Scholarship provided by Elissa Bemporad, Talia Lavin, Emily Tamkin, Eric Ward, and Steve Zipperstein
Transcription provided by the producers of Primary Source
For The Dybbukast
Hosted by Aaron Henne
Edited by Mark McClain Wilson
Theme music composed by Michael Skloff and produced by Sam K.S.
Additional transcription by Dylan Southard
"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" Learning Resources
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The Taube Center for Jewish Studies at Stanford University offers an interdisciplinary program for the study and understanding of Jewish cultures, literatures, languages, religion, politics, and history. The Taube Center’s mission includes three goals: to promote research and the production of outstanding scholarship; to offer Stanford students the opportunity to study Jewish history, Hebrew, Yiddish and other Jewish languages and literatures, Talmudic Studies, contemporary Jewish culture, and Sephardic Studies; and to serve as an intellectual resource for the broader community.