Creatively Jewish provides a wide array of multidisciplinary workshops and creative approaches to Jewish content for grade school and middle school students and educators. These workshops are developed with, and for, our institutional partners.
Through the utilization of facilitated storytelling, personal narrative exploration, and creative arts-based techniques, we encourage all students to find their own unique relationships to traditions, liturgy, and Jewish experience. We enliven and make personal Jewish learning, fostering a deeper sense of Jewish identity and an excitement for Jewish history and traditions.
For teachers, theatre dybbuk offers a variety of workshops designed to help them gain new tools for student engagement. As we take educators through the steps of a workshop, we pause along the way to illuminate the techniques we are utilizing and to help participants see how they might use them in the classroom to cover a variety of topics. All professional development workshops include techniques and approaches which can be applied to a variety of topics, holidays, and themes.
Professional Development for Educators - Virtual Learning
These sessions are all designed to help educators navigate virtual spaces most effectively, using artistic techniques for learning.
Sharpening Your Tools – Keeping Students Engaged*
This workshop builds on what educators have already learned in “Filling Your Toolbox,” offering additional practical techniques and support around their evolving needs.
*prerequisite: Filling Your Toolbox
Filling your Toolbox – Techniques for Engagement
This session features a series of theatrical exercises that will help teachers engage their students online in meaningful ways. Educators will gain tools for using virtual space effectively and with the greatest impact.
Collaborative Creation
In this session, educators will learn a variety of techniques to facilitate collaborative project making in an online setting.
Storytelling for Stay-at-Home Times
This workshop helps teachers develop their own narratives connected to the challenges of this moment and relate them to Jewish themes, while also gaining techniques to create a similar experience for their students.
Additional Workshops for Students and Educators
Please note that all workshops are also available in a virtual format.
Illuminating Liturgy Through Creation
For students:
We bring to life Jewish prayers through the use of storytelling and personal narrative, aligning students' own experiences with the language of our liturgy.
For Educators:
We take teachers step-by-step through the process of creating a workshop experience, centered around Jewish prayer and the ways in which to connect it to stories.
Embodying the Days of Awe
For Students:
Participants learn about the High Holidays through an "on-our-feet" theatrical exploration, using gesture, movement, and text to unpack the Days of Awe in new and illuminating ways.
For Educators:
Teachers receive practical tools and techniques for creating embodied classroom experiences, which speak to the themes present in the High Holidays.
Singing the Talmud
For Students:
Through the investigation of contemporary lyrics, participants learn the ways in which Talmud interprets text. Students use their favorite songs as the jumping off point for debate, commentary, and interpretation.
For Educators:
Workshop attendees learn to combine their student's interests with deep structures within the Jewish tradition.
We can also create a custom workshop tailored to your organization's needs.
To bring Creatively Jewish to your community, please contact us at or by phone at 424-298-0894.
Past and current Creatively Jewish partners in the Los Angeles area include: Valley Beth Shalom, Temple Judea, Kehillat Israel, University Synagogue, Adat Ari El, SIJCC, Temple Beth Am, Temple Aliyah, IKAR, Temple Etz Chaim, Hebrew Union College, Congregation Tikvat Jacob, Temple Beth El San Pedro, Temple Israel of Hollywood, Leo Baeck Temple, Stephen Wise Temple, Temple Isaiah, Sinai Temple, Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters LA, Pressman Academy, and Board of Jewish Educators.
Past and current Creatively Jewish partners nationwide include: The iCenter, B'nai Torah of Atlanta, Washington Hebrew, Har Hashem Boulder, Portland Jewish Federation, Temple Emanu-El of Dallas, Temple Avodat Shalom – New Jersey, and Temple Israel of Omaha.